2Baba Offers Prayers For His Family

2baba confidently declared that his family, as well as the families of his fans and followers, and even Nigeria as a whole, will experience well-being and blessings.

2Baba Offers Prayers For His Family-TSZ Naija
2Baba Offers Prayers For His Family

Renowned musician, Innocent Idibia, popularly known as 2baba, has offered a heartfelt prayer for his beloved family.

Taking to his Instagram page, the devoted husband of Annie Idibia and proud father of seven expressed his prayers for his children and wife. 2baba confidently declared that his family, as well as the families of his fans and followers, and even Nigeria as a whole, will experience well-being and blessings.

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This is not the first instance of 2baba praying for his family. Last year in May, the iconic singer garnered attention when he was captured praying for the safety and protection of all his children.

Sharing a video, he fervently pleaded with God to safeguard each of his children, mentioning their names one by one. In his caption, Tuface expressed gratitude and called upon Jah to guide them all.

In another notable incident, 2baba made headlines last month as he shed light on the reasons behind men’s infidelity. During a dinner gathering with his wife and other participants on the South African reality show, “Young, Famous and African,” 2baba discussed why men cheat on the women they love.

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He acknowledged that despite a man’s love for a woman, his sexual desires could lead him astray, emphasizing that at that moment, his focus would be on fulfilling those cravings rather than considering the person he loves.

2baba’s words serve as an insight into his personal life, reflecting his deep devotion to his family and his honest perspective on human behavior.

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