Simi, also known as Simisola Kosoko, a Nigerian musician, has experienced an incredible encounter with legendary American rapper J. Cole.
She claimed that J. Cole acknowledged her songwriting abilities, which she saw as a major accomplishment in her career.
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Simi made this revelation on social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) on a Friday. In her post, she mentioned that J. Cole had complimented her penmanship, describing it as “lit.”
She humorously stated that receiving such praise from a Grammy-winning rapper was a clear indication that she had “made it.”
JCole said my pen is lit. So yea. I made it mommy.
— Simi (@SympLySimi) September 1, 2023
A curious fan responded to her post, asking if she would have shared the information if the compliment had come from a Nigerian rapper like Ruggedman, Mode9, or Vector.
Simi replied by saying she probably would not have shared it in that case.
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This exchange highlights the significance of recognition and praise from international artists and how it can be seen as a validation of an artist’s talent and success.
It also underscores the influence of global collaborations and interactions within the music industry.