Actress Yetunde Bakare Opens Up About Her Disbelief In Marriage

She emphasized that she can be affectionate and respectful towards her partner without needing the title of "MRS."

Actress Yetunde Bakare Opens Up About Her Disbelief In Marriage-TSZ Naija
Actress Yetunde Bakare Opens Up About Her Disbelief In Marriage

Nollywood actress Yetunde Bakare has surprised many by openly declaring her disbelief in the institution of marriage.

In an interview with Biola Bayo on her show, Talk to B, Yetunde reaffirmed her stance, explaining that her experiences in life have led her to lose faith in marriage.

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Although she didn’t delve into the specifics of her experiences, she made it clear that she still believes in love and is currently in a committed relationship with a man but has no intention of getting married.

Yetunde expressed her viewpoint that marriage isn’t a prerequisite for love, stating that it’s possible to love and respect someone deeply without the formalities of marriage. She emphasized that she can be affectionate and respectful towards her partner without needing the title of “MRS.”

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She acknowledged the importance of marriage based on her observations of her parents’ happy marriage but firmly stated that it’s not something she envisions for herself.

She concluded by explaining her present situation, stating, “Presently I am in a very serious relationship and I am in love genuinely, but I don’t want to. I don’t see myself getting married at all.”

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